Learning is from don't know to know something or the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences

Anything we can learn as long as we want to know it, even when we want to learn how to get dressed the baby, that is learning. So leraning is not unlimited.

We need to learn because when we stop learning, we automaticaly stop living. Even when still a live but without learing, you are nothing.
If you want to mastering something, you have 10.000 hour. But you don't know want to be like that, right?

You just need 20 hour or 45 minuts/day if you wan to learning something. So, habit is important here

Everywhere you can learn even from the ants

You see picture above that means, learning is important

Use this method, if you do 20 % the result will be 80 %

We have been in the Covid-19 pandemic for one year and now we are in the New Normal life. Many people are give up and many people are also manifesting their passion even in this situation expecially in digital era is that almost every singel life today cannot be separated from the internet or technology. So creative ways are needed to survive our passions in the midst of this pandemic. Sometimes easy means difficult, have you ever been assigned a easy task which for you is actually very difficult to perform or maybe for anybody else. I have experienced that when I started taking singing lessons, and my coach told me to breathe with my diaphragm. That’s easy, its our natural breath but actually very difficult to do. And its similar to what happens when a teacher or lecturer comes into our online virtual class and said  “Come on give me your creative ideas and I need a innovation”. Easy, simple but actually very hard to do. we need to practice, we need to know how to be creative, we need to know how to get out box.

First thing first is that, why we need to go out of the box. Because inside of the box we feel safe and when we try to be creative we risk our reputation, we worked so hard, we need to go out from our comfort zone and that’s the beganing of creativity, the interesting thing is that many great ideas come when people do surprisingly simple things

So I will explain at three simple ways to have creative ideas to manifest our passison:

1.      Problems. If you know a famous singer is that Sam Smith. He had a problem, he was really heartbroken after his lover left and then he write about a song, and the ideas for song called stay with. The song won four Grammy Awards and song of the year. It’s similar in this pandemic, when Covid-19 existed, That’s our problem, but lets see now, the teachers becomes creative, namely by designing online classes where the teachers have never thought about it, and lets see now the Blended Learning was born and one of them is independent learning and independet campus according to our minister education of Indonesia. And because of the problem, many people are manifesting their pasion through online such as Tik Tok, YouTube, Instagram and they are famous even they make money through online. And the interesting simple thing is that variation of masks, creative people make unique masks like this and many more. WOW.  So the problems can makes us creative, if you want to be creative, find the problems and manifest your passion.

2.      Look around. Richard Fenyman was a physicist who wins the Nobel Prize. When he was eating lunch in the Cornell University cafetaria and a student stood up and threw a plate across the room and Richard notices a plate spun and through the air the cornel medallion on the plate seemed to be spinning faster than the plate, well he went away got an ideas. Its similar when we look around of our environment right now, when we can't manifest our passion with offline then we can do it online. Including when I give a speech right now, that means I try to manifest my passion through video ways.  Warren Buffett said: I always believe my eyes rather than anything else. So look around you even in difficult situation

3.      Write down your creativity. Lary Page said: When I was 23 I suddenly woke up thinking what if we could download the whole Web, and just keep the links. He grabbed a pen and started scribbling out the details and Google was born. Its similar in this pandemic, I believe, you have a lot of ideas during in this pandemic at home or everywhere, perhaps it doesn't make sense firstly but keep writing and make it come true. When really great dream shows up, Grab It.

Creative ways in this pandemic are needed. It’s not easy, we need to risk our reputation, worked so hard and to adapt in any situation. Faced the problem, look around you, write down, and make it come true.

Think creatively, do the creativity, and be creative. Thank you. 


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